Currently all UK schools are in receipt of funding to support the educational achievement of a number of groups of children.
These groups include:
- Children in Local Authority Care (CLA),
- Children from Families in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM),
- Children from Service Families.
The funding received is approximately £1320 per FSM pupil, £935 for Ever 6 pupils (who have previously been in receipt of FSM), £1900 for CLA pupils, and £300 for Service family children (Ever 5).
The school allocates pupil premium funding in various ways. Please refer to the following documents:
Service Premium Statement 2024-2025
Whilst children at our school continue to achieve highly, we are never complacent and half termly pupil progress meetings carefully track all groups of children to ensure that they do not fall behind their peers.
Some of the Pupil Premium funding is used to pay for Emotional Literacy support to give children from vulnerable backgrounds any pastoral care that they need. We offer all of these children a free place at an after school club of their choice; school trips are paid for and each child has a new school uniform provided for them. CLA children may be provided with an IPad to support their learning at home. We are able to respond to individual needs as they arise, for example by offering extra reading/handwriting support after school hours.
Our Child and Family Support Worker (CFSW) is employed to work across the school to support children and families, to ensure that their emotional needs are met and that they make good progress in learning. Many of our Pupil Premium children are part of nurture groups which take place in our purpose built nurture room. These groups have a very positive impact on the welfare and progress of the children.
Service children are invited to attend our Service Children’s club where they can join with other children whose parents are in the forces. At times of deployment, our CFSW supports the children with any issues they may have.
Monitoring the Impact of Pupil Premium Spending
The school has in place tracking systems to monitor the impact of pupil premium spending. The progress of these children is closely monitored and staff provide extra support where necessary to ensure that these groups meet or exceed age related expectations.
Parents of children in these groups have responded positively to the support they have been given.