Alverstoke Infant School

Belonging Respect Responsibility


Attendance and Punctuality

Attending school regularly and on time is the key to your child doing well at school.

Remember every lesson counts!

It is important that your child gets to school ready for the start of the day. Doors open at 8.35 and close at 8.40 Regularly arriving late to school does have an impact on your child. As well as missing important classroom activities, children who arrive late often feel uncomfortable walking into the classroom after the school day has started.

10 minutes late each day = nearly 1 week missed each year.

Regular lateness also gives your child the impression that not being punctual is acceptable which is not a good lesson for life. Try to get into a good routine in the morning so that you can get to school on time. Mrs McEwan (our Child and Family Support Worker) can help if you have specific issues with your child.

Our school day finishes at 3.10pm

 “Every child has the right to an education”

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Article 28


Attendance AIS Sept 2023.25

Absence Request Form

Behaviour and Attendance Guidance for Parents/Carers

Information on Penalty Notices for non-attendance at school

Attendance Procedure September 2023

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