Alverstoke Infant School

Belonging Respect Responsibility

Travel Team

Each year, classes elect children to join the school travel team. The team undertake activities to encourage all children to have a safe, healthy and sustainable journey to school, by walking, scooting and cycling rather than travelling in the car. To do this, they organise activities such as Bling your Bike competitions, Walktober photo competitions etc. We currently hold the Modeshift Stars Silver Travel Award and are working towards gold!

You can support the work of the Travel Team by abiding by our Parkwise promise:

 ‘The Parkwise Promise’

In an effort to create a safer environment outside our school, at the beginning and end of the day we are participating in ’The Parkwise Promise’, a Hampshire County Council led initiative to target dangerous and inconsiderate parking near to schools.

Congestion on the roads around our school in the morning and afternoon poses a risk to our children and their families as they travel into school. This can be reduced by more children walking and cycling, either all or part of the way into school. However, the school does recognise that there are circumstances when travelling to school by car is the only option. In this case we ask parents to drive and park with consideration.

Below are some points to consider when parking; some are legal requirements:

  • Do not park or stop on the ‘School, Keep Clear’ zig zag markings
  • Do not park or wait on the single yellow lines during the ‘no parking’ time restrictions
  • Avoid driving around the junction of Ashburton and Paget Road to allow large numbers of families to cross safely
  • If you do need to drive to drop off your child, please park away from school on the Park and Stride route:

  • If you would like to support this scheme, please sign the form below and return it to school. You will then be issued with a sticker to display in your car to show your commitment to safe parking and this will hopefully encourage others to do the same.

Thank you for signing the Parkwise Promise

Please refer to the following link for information about the Safer Streets pilot project coming soon:

Letter to Parents Safer Streets Trial – Volunteer Request July 2021

Safer Streets Letter to Parents June 2021



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