Alverstoke Infant School

Belonging Respect Responsibility

Our Learning Characters

Children at Alverstoke Infants learn in many different ways: inside; outside; in class groups, small groups, or one to one with an adult. To help our younger children make sense of these concepts, we have developed our learning characters and given each one an animal character.  We use these to encourage good learning behaviours in school and how to be a good learner, and children are praised when they display these. 

Wise Owl

Self Awareness

Plans what to do

Uses previous knowledge

Learns from each experience

Understands how to learn


Curious Chameleon

Thinking Skills

Enjoys getting involved in learning

Can make changes to their work

Looks closely and notices patterns and links in learning

Kind Koala

Kind to others

Has good manners

Caring of others

Positive Penguin

Growth Mindset

Positive attitude

Believes they can improve

Enjoys a challenge

Team Ant

Collaboration and Relationships

Learns alone or with others

Listens thoughtfully to others 

Learns by doing what others do

Works well with others


Tough Tortoise

Independence and Resilience

Perseveres at a task

Doesn’t give up

Doesn’t get distracted

Changes plan if things don’t work


Healthy Hippo

Takes care of self

Great attitude to exercise

Tries to eat healthily

How you can help at home

Talk to your child about the characters, what they represent and how these attributes are important for learning.

Reward your child’s efforts towards tasks rather than just when they get something right.

Help them to work together with you or siblings to achieve an end goal, for example lay the table together.

Teach your child how to take appropriate risks when outdoors e.g. exploring and climbing.

Play games that mean they don’t always end up the winner.

Defer gratification – make sure they can wait and are not given everything they want, straightaway. 

Teach your child how to do things for themselves: get ready on time, tidy up their toys, choose their library books.

Listen and talk to your child about their ideas, and explore alternatives.


We hope that this initiative will continue to have a positive impact on learning in school.

We would love to hear your feedback, especially if the children are talking about the characters at home.

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