Alverstoke Infant School

Belonging Respect Responsibility

We have a very committed Governing Body which includes parents in its membership. The role of the school governors at Alverstoke Infant School is:

  • To help in the strategic planning of the school – This means helping with the decision making process, approving the annual School Improvement Plan and allied budget plan, setting policies and appointing the Head Teacher.
  • To secure accountability – This involves reporting on performance against targets set, hearing appeals, dealing with general complaints, conducting the Head’s appraisal and setting the Head’s salary range.
  • To act as a critical friend – This involves supporting, monitoring, evaluating and challenging the running of the school.
  • The whole governing body meet on a monthly basis, with some meetings being specifically focused on areas, such as finance, resources, health & safety and curriculum.
  • If you have suggestions for the Governing Body please email:  Suggestions will be considered at the next Full Governing Body meeting.

10 facts about the governing body

Register of Governors’ Details and Pecuniary Interests

Alverstoke Infant School Pecuniary Interest 2024.25

Governor’s Attendance

Alverstoke Infant School FGB Archive Attendance (2)


Mrs Victoria Newell

Mrs Victoria Newell

Clerk to the Governing Body

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