Alverstoke Infant School

Belonging Respect Responsibility

Year R

BumbleBees:  Mrs Moss, Miss Rowland & Mrs Clist

Dragonflies:  Mrs Dawson & Miss West

What does our learning look like?

0840 School day starts with a morning task linked to current learning

0900 Register closes

0915 Activate – whole body exercises combined with fine motor activities

0930 Phonics – whole class input

1000 Busy Bee – Children’s independent learning through play

1115 Maths – whole class input

1140 Lunch

1250 Circle time/register

1300 Busy Bee/PE

1430 Assembly/ Story time

1510 Home time

Other information

Children have one session of outdoor PE and one session of indoor PE each week. PE kits remain in school and are sent home at the end of each half-term.  For outdoor PE, please send your child in leggings/tracksuit trousers, trainers & school uniform on the top.  Please refer to the half-termly year group newsletters for confirmation of which day this is.

Library day is Friday

How can you support your child at home?

Sharing their reading book

Practising their phonics, letter formation and keywords

Talking about their learning in school

Encouraging independent thinking through problem solving and decision making

Developing their self-help skills – such as dressing and toileting

Year 1
Ladybirds:  Miss Harvey, Mrs Beetlestone & Mrs Allen-Scholey

Grasshoppers:  Miss White & Miss Green



It is important that your child arrives on time because children have an activity to undertake which supports their learning for the day.

During the day the children will participate in:

Activate – exercise to get ready for learning.

  • Whole class, teacher led activities – phonic, maths, reading and writing etc.
  • Group activities – teacher led, adult supported, independent
  • Star time – child initiated activities linked to topic and current learning. It is an opportunity for the children to solve problems, make decisions and demonstrate independence.
  • Topic related activities e.g. science, art, geography.
  • Circle time – whole class time to develop personal, social, speaking and listening skills.
  • PE – please leave PE bags at school all week. Outdoor PE is on a Thursday.  Please send your child into school in leggings/tracksuit trousers, trainers and school uniform on the top.

How to help your child…

  • Please ask your child about their day in school.
  • Please read for at least 5 minutes nightly and sign their reading diary.
  • Look at newsletter for ways to support each topic.
  • ‘Why not try’ activities.
  • Practise correct letter formation and handwriting.

Library day – Wednesday

PE Days – Children have one session of outdoor PE and one session of indoor PE each week. PE kits remain in school and are sent home at the end of each half-term.  For outdoor PE, please send your child in leggings/tracksuit trousers, trainers & school uniform on the top.  Please refer to the half-termly year group newsletters for confirmation of which day this is.

Year 2

Butterflies: Mrs Stancliffe & Mrs Neal

Caterpillars: Mrs Griffiths & Mrs McEwan

Helping at home

You can help your child at home by ensuring you read as often as possible, practise number bonds, counting on in multiples and also practising spelling keywords.


Please remember to bring your water bottles in on a Monday.

Library day will usually be on Mondays.

Children have one session of outdoor PE and one session of indoor PE each week. PE kits remain in school and are sent home at the end of each half-term.  For outdoor PE, please send your child in leggings/tracksuit trousers, trainers & school uniform on the top.  Please refer to the half-termly year group newsletters for confirmation of which day this is.

Thank you for your continuing support.

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